Information center
Frequently asked questions
Date:2019-12-16 17:29 views:3615
1. Level division
In order to effectively improve the member upgrade experience, we have upgraded and revised the member level rights and interests. The revised member levels are divided into new members, V1, V2, V3 and V4 members.
1. Successful registration means new members. V1, V2, V3 and V4 members are upgraded and downgraded according to the growth value and shopping days generated in the past year. The higher the member level, the more member privileges can be enjoyed;
2. The growth value is the accumulated experience gained by members through shopping, evaluation, login, etc.;
3. If at least one order with an actual payment amount of more than 10 yuan for a single item is generated within a natural day (the actual payment amount does not include coupons, cloud diamonds, and shipping costs), then the day will be counted as 1 shopping day